Liquid Crack
As many of you know (or don't know), I have solely kept Starbucks from going out of business. The coffee is great, strong and doesn't apologize when it rumbles through your stomach. I've been a junkie for nearly ten years or however long the franchise has been, well, franchised. My addiction to coffee started years ago when I was a wee tot sipping black coffee with a ton of sugar out of a saucer like my granny used to do. Like a good relationship, coffee and I grew. We went from lower class Sanka to middle class Folgers and finally we graduated to the upper echelon that is Starbucks brand coffee. Upper echelon you say? Well yes, how many people are going to pay $4 a cup for coffee? Apparently, a whole lot of folks. This thing is big. It's global. It's in Seoul, Korea!
Years ago, you could buy a share of the monster relatively cheap. You'd pretty much have to sell your first born or be Donald Trump to invest now. I invest the poor man's way. I buy a cup, drink it and invest in my inevitable happiness afterwards. I go there at night after meals, like i'm sneaking around or something. Whenever I see one, I want to stop even if I don't have a craving at that time. The folks at the helm know their incredible power. They want you to stay and enjoy your 4 buck cup. They have cool, indie music playing. Wi-Fi is available. The atmosphere is cozy with their little comfy chairs. They treat you well there.
Business will continue to flourish for them. There will always be Monday mornings, morning meetings, tedious commutes, late night boozing, test cramming, and good meals to give you an excuse for going. It is about the coffee but at the same time it's about the experience.
Thank you Starbucks and i'll see you soon!

I calculated that if you saved the $4.00 a day spent on Starbucks you would have a savings of $1,460.00 in one year. I understand the addiction is tooooo strong and you simply can't help yourself..Alas, Mommy will have to go in her "prayer closet" and pray for your release from this stronghold!!! LOL......Love Ya
Rissa Cat,
Who ya whit!!! I am right there with ya! One of my girlfriends got me hooked on the White Chocolate Mocha Cappuccino. I resisted for a long time. I have tried it from other coffee franchise, but there is NOTHING like a Starbucks WCMC.
Haha...well if I save that money, i'll just spend it on other things like music...
the addictions never end!
@chelle...when I go all out up in there, I get the Cafe Mocha...my drink used to be a Hazelnut Cappucino but I didn't want to get to boring...:)
I hear the caramel macchiato is fierce and an experience worth having...
starting the car, now... :)
Well Grandaddy started me drinking "liquid crack" when I was four or five. Although it was the A&P 8 O'clock brand..Sho ya' right! A new Starbuck's is under construction on Tyndall Parkway across from Super Walmart.
Whassup yall!.....yes, I can validate that Rissa loves her some Starbucks, when Chelle was visiting Bad News in May. Rissa had me driving her to Starbucks late every night for her fix, like she was Ms. Daisy. I thought, I was Hoke (Morgan Freeman's character). I agree with your mother, that you can save a lot of $$$$, if you cut back on your fix a week.
Well, my favorite is the Chai Tea..love it...it has a calmly effect on me and the new Orange Crème Frappuccino is good too!
Okay Vette, I'll have to add you to my Starbuck's addiction prayer list..LOL! Oh yeah I posted this under the greetings section too. My bad....
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