Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thinking about the future...

So i'm sitting here in the midst of "playing war" this week and some of the lull time between the "action" has given me another opportunity to think - mainly about life without Uncle Sam.

As stated in a previous post, i've been at this gig for a little over 11 years. There have been ups and downs but for the most part, it's been a worthwhile experience. Some of the things that are going on in the world have no doubt played a part in causing me to question the possibility of what if. Of course, there are numerous reasons to stay and numerous reasons to venture into the world I barely trotted up until 11 years ago. I guess one of the most attractive things to consider is freedom. Freedom that includes picking up and relocating when I feel like it, Freedom to stand for whatever belief I believe in without regard for UCMJ consequences, Freedom to wear my hair in the most ridiculous configuration I can think of and not having anyone give a damn if it's greater than 3 inches in bulk and extends below my eyebrows.

The funny thing about defending Freedom is that you give up the autonomy to exercise it in some capacity. I don't know if i'll make the decision to jump, plane, but I think i'm having my mid-life early. God always has a plan and I know i'm not alone in whatever journey I may embark on. Who knows what the other road may have at it's end or what type of journey i'll have along that path.

I guess it's good to think these things through now. I know most of you would think I was a bit insane to "throw away" those years towards retirement but at 38 years young, i'm sure i'd be doing it again. Let's not jump to conclusions here, but understand my dilemna. I'm young and there's a whole new world out there that i'd like to explore and haven't even begun to plot a course.

So, there it musings and brief introspection. There will be more to come on this - trust - but know that with all change there comes sacrifice and that may be what I have to do. Maybe not. We'll see...

Your thoughts here..........................................................................................................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I understand your delimina. I am telling you to step out on faith, if you have a desire or part of you that want to be free. Don't hesitate in jumping across that threshold of life. This is your life, not anyone, but YOURS! It's a large world out there; so much to see and so many people to meet. You are a smart woman and unique with a free spirit. Go and explore where that spirit will take you. I will always be here for you and you can always call me, if you need anything. You only have one life to it to your fullness. Who knows, I might take off with you for a week or two. Whoever tells you that this is not a good decision? Look where they are in life; and ask them, if they are content with their life; and if they could do it different would they have? My answers would be, no I am not content with my life and yes, if I could do it different. I would do it different in so many aspects. I say, DO IT!