Monday, September 17, 2007

At least Jodie Foster kicks a$$!

Well, I'm a little bit more than disgusted that my football team, the Miami Dolphins lost a game they could've won simply but not throwing passes (that means you TR-INT Green) to the other team that would be the Dallas Cowboys. It's almost ironic that I'm out here in Cowboy country enjoying myself that my team would lose to these guys...they (Dolphins) had a very good chance of winning. I won't get into the play by play, I'll leave that for Sportscenter and all the other furious Dolphin bloggers.

To make me feel better, I attempted to stuff my gut with the delicious treats of the local Golden Corral. Another disappointing event. Hey, one out of 10 restaurant visits that I didn't quite enjoy ain't bad. I still say the food I've enjoyed here thus far has been outstanding.

Finally, I ended the night catching the new Jodie Foster/Terrance Howard flick, "The Brave One." In the movie, JF and her BF get jumped by some gang members and the BF dies. She goes on this "vigilante" killing spree trying to assuage the void left by her betrothed. Lots of violence but JF kicked a$$ all night. At least somebody did...

It was a good movie, JF should be nominated for a little gold man next year. She's a great actress and you'll enjoy her in this. T-Howard was good as usual as the sweet-but-torn detective guy caught in the middle. Lot's of cliche's and stereotypes but Jodie's so good, you'll look past it.

That's all for now, I'm going to bed because I've got a start a new day and birth a new hope that the 'Fins will get it together...

Or maybe I'll just send Jodie Foster to kick their a$$

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