Monday, October 29, 2007

Looking Inside

So i'm out here "playing" war again this week. If I told you this was getting old quick, i'd be understating to the nth degree. I've been in a strange mood of sorts lately. I'm still trying to find that path that separates the "me now" from the "me in progress."

Me in progress you ask? Yeah, the "me" that needs that driving passion for something perhaps greater than myself. Now, I won't get all philosophical on you but I truly believe as I've always believed that there is a great purpose out there for me. And that doesn't necessarily equate to anything but something that is great in my universe. There are people out here who are making sure we "cross the t's" and "dot the I's" a little more stringently than I would prefer. At the end of the day, they just want success and isn't that what we all seek at the end of the day?

Success in our career, success in our relationships but most importantly, success in ourselves which is the great precipice at which I stand right now - what is or will be the key to success?

I'm sure whatever the answer is, the ensuing results will find me happy in all of those aforementioned areas because when it's right on the inside, the outside serves as a shining reflection...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Rissa, you have been thinking about a change in your life for a while now. You need to stop thinking and pray. God will give you an answer to your prayers. Ask God what is his purpose with your life? Mediate on it and take action.

Love you, Vet