Look at these two faces. These, ladies and gentlemen, are your Democratic and Republican Iowa Caucus selections. Barack Obama is on track to become the first black President of the United States. Next to him is Mike Huckabee, the Baptist preacher turned Presidential hopeful. Reports are that Obama pulled out in formidable fashion in front of other Dem stars, Hilary Clinton and John Edwards. Why is this caucus so important? You can get the entire explanation here: www.iowacaucus.info/faq.htm. In short, the Iowa caucuses are the first to be held in the U.S. each Presidential election. Each party's delegates help select the candidate that will go on to compete for the Grandaddy of all government positions. So that's why you've been hearing so much about this important political meeting. The candidates work hard at trying to convince you, John Q. public in Iowa that you need them to lead the nation into the much rumored but unseen "promised land."
I like Obama. I think he's a breath of fresh air to a stale political system. He's infectious with the charm of another adored Democrat - JFK. Obama is smart and has run a smut and mudslinging-free campaign. He's excited about changing our nation and leading them in the right direction. So what's the catch?
His inexperience with foreign policy.
That's a huge issue considering we've been at war "over there" for nearly four years. Some could make the argument that the same can be said for our current leadership so it's a moot point. Could Obama still be effective and get the nation on track without that experience? Sure he could but it will be difficult. In any case, his candidacy and/or subsequent assumption of the crown will be a monumental chapter in the history of this country:
The First Black President - If Iowa is any indication, this is not such a distant reality.
As for Mike Huckabee, I actually like this guy. He's a better pill to swallow for most conservatives as opposed to the polished, deep-pocketed, Mormon with and "S" on his chest -Mitt Romney. Romney's got the chops and the smarts. Yet, you can't say enough about charm and the ability to be personable. John Kerry had the same effect during his quest. Smart guy but hard to love.

(photo courtesy of www.salon.com)
I don't affiliate with either party specifically. I believe in the best man or woman for the job. I advise you to do your research. Read up on all of the candidates and make an informed decision. You have a voice and should want to use it. If not then you are part of the problem.
And by all means, if you have not done the obvious- REGISTER TO VOTE NOW!!! We, the citizens of the United States of America need you. Let's make history as well by having every capable voice speak loudly through action. Spread the word!
For more info on the candidates mentioned in this post:
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