There are moments in life when you realize that the things you have experienced will forever transform your life. Seeing Avatar is one of those moments. James Cameron spent over 200 million dollars creating this masterpiece of visual beauty. The digital effects (especially sexy in 3-D of which I highly recommend you see it in) are the dangling carrots to which moviegoers will flock to. The story however is one that will leave with them along with the eye pleasing vision.
I won't spoil the movie by completely reviewing it here but I will ask that you go see it. Go to satisfy the curiosity about the visual effects. Go to see what all the hype is about. Most importantly, go with an open mind and look beyond what is being handed to you. You may find that the bargain is worth more than the price of admission and a five dollar bag of popcorn.
i've heard a few people speaking about this. i need to check it out. $200 million for a film. that's impressive.
It was worth every penny. The movie was an awesome...event to say the least. Please let me know your thoughts!
It was basically, cowboys and indians in space.
I really liked it. It's a timeless basic story of the powerful and the powerless.
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