Wednesday, July 23, 2008

If You Truly Love Somebody...

photo courtesy of Getty Images

Then you should set them free. If they come back to you then you know it was meant to be.

I don't know about all that...

The reason for this post is to announce the separation of my baby-daddy, John Mayer and I. Notice I said "separation" and not break-up since technically we were never a couple (except in the wonderful world inside my own imagination). Recent reports that you could read here or here, document a string of activity that I thought would never be the man's style. Granted, he's a singer/songwriter with tortured lyrics of love gone wrong, not at all, or really good. I ain't saying that he can't have fun and find inspiration for his next output but I was somehow fooled by his good guy persona, witty dialogue and seemingly genuine appeal.

But I digress. As I said in a previous post about another situation, sometimes when you place people on pedestals so high, the fall is even greater. I'll still listen to his music, still appreciate the blues kid in him that lies so close to the surface.

I'll still appreciate him telling me "my body is a wonderland."

However I won't appreciate the fact that the fantasy I once had has now been crushed by the reality of it all.

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