Thursday, July 31, 2008

Love's In Need...

photo courtesy of

Of love todayyyyyy....

Yeah, that's an old Stevie joint and a very true sentiment.

Love is in need of love today. I was just sitting at the salon today, thumbing through some mags and just reading some of the stories on Hollyweird couples. Some stories were great like that of Will and Jada. Some were not so great, like the final divorce news of Reese and Ryan.

Anyways, it made me think of how important love is. And yes, I know I've been extra deep and serious these past few posts but sometimes introspection is good - you'd be surprised what you find when you really look inside yourself. Love is a grand thing, It makes the truth rise to the surface, It humbles you, It protects you and like Florida during Hurricane season, It can sustain even the strongest of impacts.

So here's to Love. Here's to you finding it, embracing it and cherishing the moments that you live in it.

All my love,

Riss = )


Anonymous said...


I LOVE YOU! Why those 3 words are difficult for people to say and some people, it comes too easily to say? Growing up I felt love, but I don't recall those words being said to me as a child, but I was loved in other forms by clean clothes on my back, food to eat, comforting from my mother, friendship from my siblings and cousins. I don't have a problem saying those 3 words to anyone. Life is too short for us not to tell our love ones, friends, spouses, significant others those 3 words, I LOVE YOU! Say it and see how it makes you makes you feel loved. Marissa I love you :)

Love, Yvette

Riss said...

Awww...I love you too! See, It's contagious... = )