Wednesday, January 14, 2009

If Peter Jennings Hadn't Died...

I'd probably still be puffing away on a few menthol's. The death of one of America's most memorable anchorman really hit home for me almost 4 years ago. When I found out he died, I quit cold turkey. Over the past few months, work has really made me think about reversing that decision. (no worries, I'm not really going to pick the habit back up)

I will say however that no matter what you do, you can't change people. All you can change is your reaction to the stupid, idiotic and frustrating things they do. I hope for the sake of my retirement only that I can hang in there and get past some current hurdles.

Wish me luck or at a bare minimum have a hook with me! = )....("hook" means a drink for you youngin's)

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